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Weekly No Tech Activities

Take a break from the screens!

These are some fun activities to do when we need a Screen Break!

Read a book together. Ask your child to look for the letters from their name or count how many times they can find a letter or sight word.

Create your own backyard scavenger hunt.  Then pick one item to draw and write about.

What are your favorite things to do in the summer?  Draw and write about it.

What are your favorite things to do on rainy days?  Draw and write about it.



Use Cheerios, Smarties, M & Ms, Skittles and create groups between 0 and 10. Compare them and eat the bigger group. Keep comparing groups until you have eaten all of your snack!


Roll 2 dice and compare the two numbers. Practice using the words more, less, and equal


Play the game "I'm thinking of a number". In this game you pick a number between 1 and 10 and your child tries to guess the number. Give hints like "my number is less than 4".


Roll a dice (or 2) or pull a card from a deck of cards. Count by 10 that many times. For example. If you roll a 4 count by tens 4 times so you will get to 40. If you roll a 7 you would stop at 70.


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